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  • Put Your Hands Together ...

    The “Put your hands together ...” feature is a  monthly installment to the Robins  Rev-Up.  Due to the overwhelming number of awards people at Robins receive, we just aren’t able to cover them all. This feature is our way of ensuring we give credit where we can. PYHT will run in the last issue each

  • The Road Ahead: AF Leaders discuss path to partnering with industry

    This year’s Program Executive Officer Review and Outlook was about providing industry with the information needed to help them be competitive and innovative when seeking to partner with the government. Lt. Gen. Lee Levy II, and Lt. Gen. John Thompson – Air Force Sustainment Center and Air Force Life

  • Robins Chaplains host Clergy Summit

    Atlanta Braves Chaplain Jay McSwain speaks during this year’s Clergy Summit at the Museum of Aviation March 16. The summit is in support of an enduring cooperative between the Robins Air Force Base chaplains and community faith-based organizations aimed at improving the spiritual resiliency of the

  • Miller Testifies at HASC Readiness Hearing

    Senior Air Force leaders were on Capitol Hill March 22 to testify and answer questions about top-priority readiness needs and challenges facing the Air Force. Chairman Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina), Rep. Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam) and other members of Congress heard testimony during the House Armed

  • AFAF campaign begins Monday

    The Robins Air Force Base 2016 Air Force Assistance Fund campaign begins Monday and runs through May 5. This year’s six-week campaign includes an installation goal of $75,522, with the theme of “Airmen Helping Airmen.” The annual effort raises funds to provide support throughout the Air Force

  • Social Connections, Get Connected-Stay Connected

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, Ohio -- Comprehensive Airman Fitness defines “Social Fitness” as the ability to engage in healthy social networks that promote overall well-being and optimal performance. We have often heard that resilience essentially means the ability for one to bounce back from challenges

  • Squadron revitalization leads to EPME changes

    The reenlistment and extension ineligibility requirement will be removed from the enlisted professional military education program effective March 15, 2017 according to Air Force officials.