78th Comptroller Squadron (Finance Office)

Emblem image of the 78th Comptroller Squadron

Welcome to the 78th Comptroller Squadron (Finance Office)

Our MISSION is to Enable Team Robins Success – Through Timely, Reliable Financial Operations and Decision Support and our VISION is to provide World Class Financial Operations and Decision Support – Powered by Airmen, Fueled by Innovation, in an Environment of Continual Growth.

The 78th Comptroller Squadron provides a wide spectrum of financial services to individuals, commanders and fund managers.  Our Comptroller Squadron consists of the Financial Services Flight (FMF), Financial Analysis Operations Flight (FMA), Financial Analysis Support Flight (FMAS), Comptroller Support Management, Quality Assurance (QA), Non-Appropriated Funds Oversight (NAFFA), and the Wing Staff Agencies Commander Support Staff (CSS).

Page current as of November 14, 2024.

Updated Operations

Open Monday - Friday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Closed 1st Tuesday of the month for trainingSign in

The disbursing cage will be open on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week from 9 a.m. to noon for any cash operations that must take place. The disbursing cage is still located at Bldg 375 at 455 Byron Street, Robins AFB, GA.

All appointments will have priority over walk-in services. PCS In-Processing and Separation/Retirements will still be conducted by briefings only. 

Our customer service number is DSN 468-4022 / Commercial: 478-926-4022.

How to Contact Finance Customer Service

- Use the Comptroller Service Portal (CSP) – Ask us how to access the Comptroller Service Portal,  CAC enabled program that can be access anywhere, anytime 24/7. This program is for regular AF members only and members must utilize an us.af.mil email address when creating a profile. CSP allows you to track your inquiry from start to finish with the finance office. It is a secure Personally Identifiable Information (PII) approved program.

- Check in through your smartphone: You can join the waiting line by checking in through your smartphone here

 - Call us at DSN 468-4022, Commercial (478) 926-4022, Open 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday - Friday and Closed every first Tuesday of the month for training. Closed on all federal holidays and AFMC Family Days.

Contact Us

Customer ServiceHours: 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Mon- Fri
Closed: Every first Tuesday, federal holidays and AFMC Family Days

DSN: 468-4022
Commercial: (478) 926-4022

Address: 215 Page Road, Robins AFB, GA 31098
Bldg: 215, 1st Floor

New to Robins AFB - AD and AGR

All new arrivals to Robins AFB should attend the Finance In-Processing Briefing within 5 duty days of in-processing of their commanders support staff (CSS). Briefings are conducted every Tuesday and Thursday on a walk-in basis at 9 a.m. at the Finance Office. No appointment necessary. Please ensure you bring front and back copy of your PCS orders, any applicable amendments, receipts over $75, Air Fare Itineraries, POV shipment documentation and TLE receipts as applicable. Ensure you arrive no earlier than 8:45 a.m. for the briefing and it will begin promptly at 9 a.m.