Welcome to the 461st Air control Wing

The 461st Air Control Wing is responsible is responsible for the wing transition from worldwide E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System employment to emerging ground-based tactical command and control weapon systems. The wing mobilizes, trains and deploys combat mission-ready personnel and equipment to designated theaters of operation and conducts sustained operations, providing uninterrupted Command, Control, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance in support of the joint force commander. The unit mobilizes and deploys command and control systems and the Deployable Air Traffic Control and Landing System, enabling both expeditionary airfield operations supporting combatant commanders’ Agile Combat Employment scheme of maneuvers and peacetime airfield operations supporting humanitarian assistance/disaster relief missions.

461st Air Control Wing Command Team

461st Air Control Wing

The 461st Air Control Wing is the Air Force's only Active Duty E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System wing.

461st Operations Group

The 461st Operations Group consists of the Air Force's only Active Duty E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System operational squadrons, combat training squadron, operations support squadron and air control networks squadron. The group trains and employs JSTARS combat Airmen, providing airborne command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance to combatant commanders and intelligence community.

461st Maintenance Group

The 461st Maintenance Group is responsible for maintenance, logistics and combat support of 17 E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar Systems aircraft to provide worldwide command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support to combatant commanders. Provides combat-ready forces and operates and supports these forces worldwide, ensuring combat capability for all operations.

Contact Us

Headquarters, Bldg. 2072
515 Borghese Drive
Robins AFB, GA 31098

Link takes you to 461st FB

Higher Headquarter