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  • Looking for a chance to show your resiliency?

    When things get tough, what do you do to get through your day at work or at home? If you had an opportunity to write a very simple sentence on what makes you resilient, how would it read? A special event will take place Sept. 12 that will give members of the Team Robins family a chance to highlight

  • Base celebrates unity, cultural differences

    The Heritage Club Ballroom was alive with a harmonious buzz. Tuesday with the United through Diversity Luncheon, a highlight of what has been a month-long celebration of cultural differences. The event included artwork, memorabilia and other displays from various ethnic and social groups,

  • SecAF makes first visit to Robins Air Force Base

    Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James visited Robins Air Force Base this week to get an up close look at the installation's diverse and dynamic missions.This was the Secretary's first visit to the installation, where she spent two days touring several areas of Georgia's largest industrial

  • CMXG C-130 long flaps shop highlights process discipline

    Continuous process improvements have yielded successful outcomes in the 574th Commodities Maintenance Squadron's production of C-130 outer wing long flaps. Using an innovative process known as The AFSC Way, the team has forged ahead using the standard systems approach that enables personnel at any

  • Airman’s Attic grand reopening set for Monday

    A ceremony to signal the reopening of the Robins Airman's Attic will be Monday at its new location in Bldg. 914. The event is scheduled to kick off at 1 p.m. and will include a cake-cutting and the chance for attendees to tour the facility, a key fixture at Robins which has been closed for weeks

  • Labor Management Forum Charter signed

    Robins' future hinges on management and employees continuing to strengthen their relationship of mutual trust and respect. That relationship took a big step forward Tuesday during the signing of a labor-management forum charter. The charter - signed by Col. Chris Hill, Installation commander, and

  • Learning from one another, diversity panel opens up

    In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch tells Scout that if she only learns a single trick, she'll be able to get along with all kinds of folks: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view ... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."

  • Resiliency is essential to withstanding life’s challenges

    Headlines announcing the death of actor, Robin Williams, proved to many that suicide can impact anyone. Capt. Nicole Campbell, Robins Mental Health Clinic Suicide Prevention Program manager and psychology provider, said while suicide can affect people of all genders, ethnicities, nationalities, and