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  • Robins only AF base to manufacture printed wiring boards

    When no one else can make or find circuit boards that have become obsolete, folks with manufacturing capabilities in the 569th Electronics Maintenance Squadron are always up to the task. "The printed wiring board manufacturing capability in the 569th EMXS is unique to the Air Force," said Connie

  • Maximum Overdrive: Project runway equals makeover

    The longest runway in Georgia - at 12,001 feet - is currently getting a fresh shower and a new coat of paint to restripe lines along the concrete pavement. Paint lines are being removed from the concrete and a new coat will be applied by a local general contractor. The company will also remove

  • Benefits enrollment, Affordable Care Act info

    There are two important events underway affecting federal employees regarding health benefits coverage and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The 2013 Federal Benefits Open Season will run Nov. 11 through Dec. 9. That includes enrollment in the Federal Employees Health Benefits, Federal

  • Save A Life Tour: Airmen to get view of distracted driving

    Members of the Save A Life Tour: Distracted Driving, will be making a stop at Robins next week. The tour will be here from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Heritage Club ballroom.Briefings will be conducted at 8 and 9:30 a.m., 1 and 2 p.m., and will last for 30 minutes each. Save A Life members will

  • AFMC recognizes third quarter graduates

    Congratulations to the following Team Robins members of the Air Force Materiel Command team for completing a degree or certificate program during the third quarter of AFMC's "Year of the Graduate" program. Master Sgt. Pedro AchavalSenior Airman Linda AllenhallStaff Sgt. Shemuel BerooTech. Sgt. Aaron

  • AFMC promotes Freeze the Gain to prevent diabetes

    During the holiday season, Air Force Materiel Command will promote the Freeze the Gain Challenge to help prevent type 2 diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes is a national epidemic and is one of the fastest growing diseases in the country. More than one in four adults

  • Base to shine on international stage

    With a successful Oct. 9 delivery of two C-130H aircraft to the Afghan Air Force, maintainers and planners at the Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex, along with program managers and engineers within the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center team at Robins, will once again play a vital role in 2014

  • X-ray, NDI work one-of-a-kind at Robins

    There are things that can't be seen on the surface.An undetected flaw on an aircraft wing is one example. It's a reality that can have consequences, so that's where nondestructive testing inspections play a role in keeping lives and vital assets safe. Equipment used for NDI and X-ray work is managed

  • 5th CCG, Royal Canadian Air Force conduct training event

    Royal Canadian airmen from the 8 Air Communication and Control Squadron out of Trenton, Ontario, recently collaborated with local U.S. Airmen on a series of contingency scenarios here. The 29 Canadian service members trained Oct. 4 through 20 with the 5th Combat Communications Group, setting up