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  • Local collaboration, leadership key in new partnering

    The Air Force Sustainment Center and General Atomics have reached an enterprise-level, public-private partnership agreement which allows the two organizations to partner in the maintenance of unmanned aircraft systems, including the Predator/Reaper and the Army's version of the aircraft, the "Gray

  • Timely customer responsiveness remains priority

    It's all in the details. The 78th Civil Engineer Squadron's Customer Service team not only handles daily phone calls, but processes an average 1,100 incoming electronic work order requests from across the installation. While this makes for a very busy office, the team wants to continue spreading the

  • ORE tests unit’s readiness

    Practicing now, prepares the 402nd Expeditionary Depot Maintenance Flight for the real thing. The team honed their skills recently during an operational readiness exercise at Warrior Air Base. "Our primary mission is aircraft battle damage repair," said Capt. David Liston, 402nd EDMX flight

  • Clean Sweep: Robins trucks keep streets, flight line debris-free

    A lone pebble, inconspicuous to the casual observer, doesn't realize on its own it has no business existing several hundred feet away from a major weapons system on the Robins flight line. Five days a week, one of 12 "street sweepers" from the 78th Civil Engineer Group take a turn on a Tymco truck,

  • An extra helping of thankfulness please

    It's that time of year when many people start counting their blessings. People have been spreading their thankfulness all over social media faster than an Internet chain letter, posting day-by-day accounts of how grateful they are for the little things in life. That's great. But, have you ever

  • CC Message - Thanksgiving reflections

    This year has been a struggle for most, but we have a lot to be thankful for as we head into the Thanksgiving Holiday. We are often swamped with demands from work and family; and it's easy to forget how fortunate we are. The upcoming holiday is a time to reflect and recharge.Like many of you, I'm

  • Learning to talk about ‘IT’: Campaign raises awareness across base

    "IT" is sexual assault. You may have noticed the genderless, faceless symbol posted in various areas across Robins. The logo, which is formed by combining the letters "I" and "T," was created as part of an awareness campaign to initiate discussion on a serious topic that cannot be overlooked or

  • HAZMAT Data Sheets, Labels changing

    Team Robins members will soon see changes in Labels and Safety Data Sheets used for hazardous materials. That's because OSHA now requires the use of new labeling elements and a standardized format for Safety Data Sheets, formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets. The changes are aimed at

  • OSHA withdraws citation

    The Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex and Occupational Safety and Health Administration have reached an agreement that essentially rescinds the Notification of Violation the administration levied against the complex 10 days ago for "not developing more stringent engineering controls to protect

  • Fluid Cell press critical asset at Robins

    One of the largest fluid cell presses resides in the 402nd Commodities Maintenance Group's work area in Bldg. 140. It's a massive machine capable of performing quick, highly-pressurized molding of aircraft parts in need of replacement across the entire Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex. "The work