
5th CCG, Royal Canadian Air Force conduct training event

  • Published
  • By Jenny Gordon
  • Robins Public Affairs
Royal Canadian airmen from the 8 Air Communication and Control Squadron out of Trenton, Ontario, recently collaborated with local U.S. Airmen on a series of contingency scenarios here.

The 29 Canadian service members trained Oct. 4 through 20 with the 5th Combat Communications Group, setting up combat airfield and basic communications at the South Training Area.

The Gypsy Wanderer training event afforded these allies the ability to observe each other while assembling and operating similar operational equipment, and improved communication and camaraderie between the international partners.

With similar equipment, the 5th CCG had TPN 19 Radar, Radar Approach Control, while the 8 ACCS radar is the MPN 25 compact ASR/PAR/Secondary Surveillance Radar.

Also, the Full Motion Video suite on both sides served similar roles.

The Air Force video is used for quick response - for example when you expect low air traffic, while the Canadians use their video for areas expecting up to four aircraft at one time.