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  • AcqDemo expansion town halls begin Aug. 20

    The Air Force Materiel Command, in conjunction with the Department of the Air Force Acquisition Program Management Office, will host a series of Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project (AcqDemo) Town Hall briefings beginning Aug. 20.

  • Civilian personnel mentoring panel set for July 31

    The Air Force Materiel Command will host a virtual mentoring panel with the Civilian Personnel Action Analysis Major Command Barrier Analysis Working Group, July 31, at 2 p.m. ET on Microsoft Teams.

  • AFMC to expand AcqDemo workforce

    The Air Force Materiel Command is expanding its Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project, with a target date for converting all eligible General Schedule (GS) employees by June 2025. Approximately 26,000 AFMC positions will convert.

  • Command Chief: “The work of the sustainment center is like oxygen”

    In his conversations with Airmen, Schultz makes it a point to address readiness, particularly regarding the pacing challenges the military is facing. He wants to ensure they understand the gravity of the situation and what it may mean in terms of actual conflict.“For years, we operated from a

  • Air Force Employee Assistance Program widens resource umbrella

    The variety of resources available to Air Force EAP users will increase with the revamping of the program's coaching and financial services, which go live May 1.The EAP is expanding the level of support to members by encompassing “positive” engagements like lifestyle coaching, where participants can

  • Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey helps civilians voice their opinions

    The FEVS is a government-wide, Office of Personnel Management administered annual survey that Air Force civilian employees have been participating in since 2006. The approximately 100-question survey takes 20-to-30 minutes to complete and is anonymous. The survey includes questions about employees’