Feb. 10, 2022 Air Force Reserve medics mobilized a second time for COVID response As COVID-19 continues to impact the U.S. healthcare system in pockets of the country, the Air Force Reserve is once again mobilizing approximately 40 ground medical personnel to assist civilian hospitals in New York and California at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Feb. 9, 2022 Airpower anytime, anywhere: ABDR teams enhance DoD aircraft sustainment processes Air Force expeditionary depot maintenance flights can deploy personnel for depot level-type maintenance and Aircraft Battle Damage Repair wherever needed.
Feb. 8, 2022 78th LRS/LGRV: ‘We keep Robins moving’ When a fire truck or police vehicle breaks down at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, a team of in-house mechanics are on the ready to get them moving again. These specialists are members of the 78th Logistics Readiness Vehicle Management Flight.
Feb. 4, 2022 Business etiquette in a virtual environment Commentary: Eugene “Jay” Berry, Director, Installation Protocol Officer at Wright-Patterson AFB talks about business protocol in the virtual realm.
Feb. 2, 2022 OPSEC provides Airmen with tools to ensure safety, mission success With adversary threats growing daily, operations security, or OPSEC, is more important than ever. OPSEC experts are heralding the call for advanced protection, both inside and out of the office, for all.
Feb. 1, 2022 AFSC Manpower and Personnel CSFO Mentor and Job Shadow Programs The AFSC Manpower and Personnel Center Senior Functional Office (DP CSFO) is launching the second year of our Mentoring and Job Shadow programs. Our data call opens up 15-28 February, with a 1 April start date. The primary purpose of these two programs are to provide experiential learning,
Feb. 1, 2022 Reduce your risk of developing cancer Healthy choices and screening for risks can help decrease chances of developing cancer.