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  • Bunch to host online town hall

    Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., Air Force Materiel Command commander, will host a virtual town hall Aug. 8, 1 p.m. EST. The event will be livestreamed on the AFMC Facebook page with opportunities for personnel to submit questions for Bunch prior to and during the event.

  • People of AFMC: Path of change for Air Force captain

    Thirty minutes northwest of Austin, Texas, a girl from Lago Vista was raised by a young mother and a father who battled cancer in his late twenties and early thirties. Life wasn’t easy, but living through these challenges played an instrumental role in the development of a future United States Air

  • Fit 4 Life to be suspended

    The Air Force Sustainment Center Commander has made the decision to temporarily suspend the Fit 4 Life program, effective August 4, 2019, with an annual review of the program, in order to better align with the National Defense Strategy and focus available resources on mission readiness.AFSC

  • 78th Air Base Wing Change of Command

    ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Lt. Gen. Gene Kirkland, Air Force Sustainment Center commander, passes the 78th Air Base Wing guidon to Col. Brian Moore, 78th Air Base Wing commander, at the Museum of Aviation at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, July 10, 2019. As the new 78th ABW commander, Moore

  • Force Generation Center receives new commander

    Brig. Gen. Matthew J. Burger relinquished command of the Force Generation Center to Brig. Gen. Stacey L. Scarisbrick with Maj. Gen. John “Jay” Flournoy Jr., presiding over the ceremony.

  • AFMC We Need team to conduct focus groups across enterprise

    The Air Force Materiel Command’s AFMC We Need team will travel to operating locations across the command footprint to conduct in-person focus groups beginning July 22. The AFMC We Need enterprise-wide initiative, launched in late June, seeks inputs and recommendations from AFMC civilian and military