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  • Having fun with VPP

    To prep for a Voluntary Protection Program assessment, the 406th Supply Chain Management Squadron had a cubical decorating contest. Employees used about 11 different safety themes as a way to gear up for future Silver recognition. "The people in the 406th SCMS have taken genuine ownership and pride

  • Litchfield: Keep moving forward

    First and foremost, I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the way you have handled the chaos during the last few months. The budget crisis in Washington turned very personal for each and every Air Force Sustainment member with furloughs, the shutdown, pay issues, and impacts to operations. I

  • News you can use

    Services up and runningMost previously closed services have reopened. The following 78th Mission Support Group activities are still closed: the Auto and Wood Hobby shops and the library. CE capabilities limitedThe 78th Civil Engineer Group's manning is now at 100 percent, but due to the lack of

  • New program a 'Capstone' for the future

    As of Sept. 1, military members retiring or separating from the service will now take part in a mandatory Capstone process, a new program under the Transition Assistance Program. For those attending mandatory pre-separation counseling at the Airman & Family Readiness Center, this new additional

  • Robins' Combined Federal Campaign activities suspended

    The Department of Defense has indefinitely suspended all Combined Federal Campaign activities, including solicitation in the workplace. Those wishing to donate in the interim may submit their CFC pledge through themyPay system at

  • Museum of Aviation temporarily closed

    The Museum of Aviation is temporarily closed.The Department of Defense has ordered military museums - including all 13 in the Air Force - to close because museum operations do not support functions directly related to on-going military operations or the safety and security of life and

  • AFMC officials share civilian pay update after shutdown

    Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command Financial Management officials outlined Oct. 8 the pay and entitlement discrepancies civilian employees should anticipate on upcoming paychecks due to the recent government shutdown.The following listing distinguishes civilian categories and what employees

  • Back to work

    Air Force employees at Robins who were furloughed are being asked to return to work as early as Monday. Base organizations are in the process of notifying affected workers.