Nov. 29, 2023 Robins AFB takes delivery of second new E-11A BACN aircraft Airmen from the 18th Airborne Command and Control Squadron and base leadership gathered on the flightline to welcome the delivery of the second new E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communications Node aircraft here, Nov. 15, 2023.
Nov. 22, 2023 Fight the Flu Cold and flu season is here again. According to the World Health Organization, there are around a billion cases of seasonal influenza annually.
Nov. 14, 2023 Commentary: Cease the Grease - Never Pour Oils and Greases Down the Drain When you finish cooking bacon or sauteing vegetables, it is easy to dump the excess oil and grease down the drain without a second thought. However, oils and grease should never be disposed of down the drain.
Nov. 13, 2023 Native American Heritage Month mentoring panel set for Nov. 16 The Air Force Materiel Command will host a Cross-Cultural Mentoring Panel in conjunction with Native American Heritage Month, Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. ET. The virtual event, hosted on ZoomGov, is open to all uniformed and civilian Airmen.
Nov. 9, 2023 DAF expanding childcare subletting app to all child development centers An app that makes it easier to sublet short-term childcare slots will soon be available at all Department of the Air Force-run child development centers.
Nov. 3, 2023 Agile Gator Exercise: Making 52nd Combat Communications Squadron mission ready The 52nd Combat Communications Squadron is always ready anytime, anywhere. The ability to perform at an optimal level for a range of missions in any environment - from humanitarian relief to full-scale conflict - comes from a lot of practice and participation in exercises, like Agile Gator 23-4,