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  • Robins AFB takes next step in establishing new missions

    Air Force leaders today announced one step forward in the delivery of battlespace command and control. The Air Force has completed two necessary environmental assessments, with a finding of no significant impact, that will lead to four new missions at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.

  • 16th Airborne Command and Control Squadron flies final local sortie

    The 16th Airborne Command and Control Squadron with the 461st Air Control Wing flew its final local sortie after 27 years of operational history flying the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System aircraft Sept. 8, 2022, at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.

  • 12th ACCS Airmen receive up-close view of heritage

    In a partnership between the 461st Air Control Wing historian and the MOA staff, the 12th ACCS is able to teach its Airmen about their heritage as a unit while allowing them to see it first-hand through displays at the museum.

  • Robins to begin retiring JSTARS

    The Air Force authorized Air Combat Command and the Georgia Air National Guard Dec. 6 to start divesting the E-8 JSTARS fleet beginning with four aircraft in fiscal year 2022.

  • University students help JSTARS innovate scheduling

    Operators of the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System are teaming up with Mercer University’s computer science department in Macon, Georgia, to advance an antiquated software system.

  • 116th and 461st AMXS Able Chief Graduation

    Robins Air Force Base, Ga. - Team AMXS held their first-ever Able Chief Graduation, Friday, January 18, 2019 on Robins Air Force Base. During the ceremony, 12 Airmen with the 116th and 461st Aircraft Maintenance Squadrons were recognized for completed the 90-day training course. Typically, the