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  • Leaders talk AFSC 10th anniversary - Chief Master Sgt. Labrador

    During the AFSC Commander's Summit, April 12 and 13, 2022 at Tinker Air Force Base, leaders like Chief Master Sgt. Carlos Labrador, command chief, 78th Air Base Wing, gave their thoughts about the growth of the Sustainment Center throughout the last 10 years. Chief Master Sgt. Labrador had to say in

  • AFSC Manpower and Personnel CSFO Mentor and Job Shadow Programs

    The AFSC Manpower and Personnel Center Senior Functional Office (DP CSFO) is launching the second year of our Mentoring and Job Shadow programs. Our data call opens up 15-28 February, with a 1 April start date. The primary purpose of these two programs are to provide experiential learning,