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  • Stormwater Straight Talk: Stormwater management program updates

    In November 2023, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division issued an update to the permit for stormwater discharges associated with Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems. The Robins Air Force Base MS4 generally includes apartments, housing, restaurants and recreational areas in the

  • Gate project underway at Green Street

    Phase 2 of the gate project started today at the Green Street Gate. The Russell Parkway and MLK gates have resumed normal operations. The Museum gate is closed until further notice.  As with the Russell Parkway Gate phase, the Green Street Gate portion is expected to last 21 days. During that time

  • Robins recycling reductions now in effect

     The Recycling Center at Robins stopped accepting plastic on Saturday. Robins runs its Recycling Program according to Department  of Defense Qualified Recycling Program regulations, which requires recycling white paper, cardboard, and as many other commodities as economically feasible while striving