Jan. 14, 2025 Kendall offers vision for the Air Force, Space Force of 2050 SECAF Kendall offers his vision for the security challenges the Air Force and Space Force could face in 2050 and what is needed to properly respond.
April 25, 2019 Air Force adopts USAJOBs as civilian deployment application platform Civilian Airmen who wish to volunteer for a deployment now have the benefit of using USAJOBs to submit their applications, which enhances their ability to pursue expeditionary civilian opportunities.
April 24, 2019 Team JSTARS maintainers design tool saving Air Force estimated $500k yearly Eight Airmen from Team JSTARS at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, recently designed an innovative tool estimated to save the Air Force nearly $500k a year in cowling repairs for the E-8C Joint STARS aircraft. The cowling fixture table, an approved tool intended for field-level repairs, was a response
Aug. 20, 2018 Airman to be awarded Medal of Honor President Donald Trump will posthumously award the Medal of Honor to the family of a fallen U.S. Air Force Special Tactics Combat Controller at a ceremony Aug. 22 for his extraordinary heroism in March 2002 while deployed to Afghanistan.