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  • Team Robins Fire Services conducts live structural fire training

    Fire Lt. Mark Watters, a firefighter assigned to the 778th Civil Engineer Squadron, leaves a building during live structural fire training at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, Nov. 20, 2024. The structural fire training required the firefighters to search a burning building, rescue a simulated

  • Stormwater Straight Talk: Stormwater management program updates

    In November 2023, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division issued an update to the permit for stormwater discharges associated with Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems. The Robins Air Force Base MS4 generally includes apartments, housing, restaurants and recreational areas in the

  • Snakes play vital role in ecosystems, humans’ health

    As summer nears and temperatures rise, you may see more wildlife out and about, and this includes snakes. Snakes are often misunderstood because of unfounded myths and are feared as a result. They play a critical role when it comes to the ecosystem as well as human health.