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  • Air Force Sustainment Center Tests Cyber Readiness

    As reliance on technology grows so does the need for enhanced cyber security. Recently, the Center Information Technology Office within the Air Force Sustainment Center conducted a tabletop exercise that allowed facilitators to detect, diagnose and deter multiple cyber security threats in real-time.

  • AFMC to host Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Exchange Day

    The Air Force Materiel Command will host a Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Exchange Day, July 30, to gather input and feedback from academia and industry on the newly-launched priority effort.“We need to streamline the design, development, acquisition and testing to get technology to our

  • Air Force releases 2018 Acquisition Report

    The Air Force released the Fiscal Year 2018 Air Force Acquisition Annual Report April 2, emphasizing the need to field tomorrow’s Air Force faster and smarter.

  • AFMC capability roadmap key to evolutionary supply chain risk management

    Modern supply chain risk management requires a “cradle-to-grave” approach that accounts for risks from the time a requirement is identified through development, sustainment and ultimate retirement of the same. A comprehensive, cohesive capability roadmap for SCRM is the driving force behind the work

  • Center showcases innovation efforts

     The Air Force Sustainment Center is setting the pace in many areas of efficiency and innovation, according to Dr. Will Roper, assistant secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics. Roper saw AFSC processes in action when he visited AFSC headquarters Sept. 13.“This is the

  • How to speedily procure secure software. Really.

    Developed in 2016, the three-month Advanced Tactical Acquisition Corps program selects up-and-coming acquisition professionals across the acquisition community and charges them to develop solutions to the biggest problems in military procurement.The team tackled how to acquire software using agile

  • Fick, acquisition pros from Pentagon tour WR-ALC

    As the surrey rolled past stripped-down F-15 fuselages and busy aircraft maintenance hangars, an appreciative smile came across the visitor’s face.             “This is so much better than being in the Acquistition conference room,” Col. Matthew Bonavita said, rising from his seat to step out onto