Robins to celebrate Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 8

  • Published
  • By Holly Logan-Arrington
  • Robins Public Affairs
The Airman & Family Readiness Center will celebrate military spouses and their contributions to the military mission May 8.

Military Spouse Appreciation Day is celebrated on the Friday prior to Mother's Day. 

As part of the National Military Spouse Appreciation Day, A&FRC will give the first 100 military spouses who arrive that Friday free gift bags filled with goodies to show appreciation for all the good they do every day.

Dell Steplight, Personal & Work Life Program manager in the A&FRC, said Military Spouse Appreciation Day honors the significant contributions, support, and sacrifices of Armed Forces spouses.

"Military spouses serve as steady and supportive partners to the heroes in uniform who protect and defend our great nation every day," she said. "Across America and around the world, military spouses serve our country in their own special way, helping families and friends through the stress of a deployment, caring for our wounded warriors, and supporting each other when a loved one has made the ultimate sacrifice."

Steplight said military spouses may come to the A&FRC to pick up a gift bag; however, if the spouse isn't able to attend, the servicemember may come for the bag. 

Gift bags are guaranteed to the first 100 spouses on a first-come, first-served basis, Steplight said. Bags will be given away at the A&FRC, Bldg. 794 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or until the bags run out. Military ID cards will be checked.

The gift bags will contain goodies from Operation Homefront, the base helping agencies and military supporters.

For more information, call (478) 926-1256.