Getting to know you: Richard Colquitt

  • Published
  • By Staff Reports
  • Robins Public Affairs
This week our Getting to Know You feature highlights Richard Colquitt, 78th Force Support Squadron chief of Career Development.

Time in service: 33years
Hometown: Livingston, Texas

What does your work involve at Robins? "Providing personnel support at Robins, specifically officer promotions."

What do you enjoy most about your work? "Helping our troops. To see the look on their faces when they walk out of our offices knowing that whatever problem they had, we took care of it for them to their satisfaction."

How does your work contribute to the Robins mission? "Providing support for our active duty members and taking care of their personnel needs allows them to maintain their mission readiness and do their jobs without worry or concern."

What prompted your interest in your current career field? "I was able to continue what I was doing when I was on active duty. Serving the needs and providing support for the active duty member and my country."

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? "My grandfather. He was the one to teach me to always give it your best and do the job right - not 100 percent but 200 percent."

What is the best advice you've learned? "To always give any job you do your best, never less than that, and never settle for anything less than your best."

What is an accomplishment you are most proud of? "My 33 years of federal service and hopefully the fact that I am not done and that I will be able to do more."