ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- “There’s no Fly, Fight or Win without Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants!” said Airman 1st Class Amanda Flores, a fuels distribution operator in the 78th Logistics Readiness Squadron’s Fuels Distribution Flight, enthusiastically.
The small town Michigan native came to Robins in April, and it didn’t take long for her to learn her way around.
“My typical day starts out by inspecting and performing minor maintenance of fuel servicing vehicles and components,” she said. “After our daily check point, we go on runs to service aircraft, ground equipment and other vehicles with fuel throughout the base. “
Flores, who is one of only a few females in her flight, said she often gets asked what it’s like to be a woman doing a male-dominated job.
“If you tell me my job is a man’s job, it only pushes me harder to do the best I can at my job,” she said. “Why should anyone limit themselves because society says it’s a man’s job?”
Being ‘one of the guys’ hasn’t ever bothered Flores.
“I am the youngest of four girls,” she said. “Yes, my poor father. Even our pets were girls. I was sort of a tomboy and daddy’s little girl. While my sisters went shopping, I went hunting.”
Unlike the average Airman 1st class, the Air Force is a second career for Flores.
“I worked as a nurse for nine years until I joined the Air Force, but I still hold my license as a practical nurse till this day and hope to go back to the medical field one day,” she said. “I decided to join the Air Force because I sat back for 11 years and watched my husband put on the uniform and serve his country. It’s something I always wanted to do, but because we had children and a couple other factors, I was unable to do it. So at his 11 ½ year mark, I finally got the courage and joined.”
Flores initially wanted to be an open mechanic, but as she put it, “POL chose me.”
And even though life doesn’t always go perfectly as planned, Flores said she is inspired both personally and professionally by her parents who taught her to do her best no matter what life brings, being kind and caring along the way.
“So here I am in a completely different career than my civilian job,” she said. “I am trying my best and doing my job the best I can. To me, learning something new is always fun. The one thing I have learned since I have been in the career field is that POL is a family and will always be there for you no matter what.”
When the mother of two is away from her job, she enjoys time with her own family.
“In my free time I enjoy spending all my time with my children,” she said. “My son loves sports and I enjoy helping him and watching him grow as an athlete, and my daughter is still young and still loves to help me with anything and everything I do.”