Energy initiatives still reaping rewards Published Oct. 8, 2010 By Col. Carl Buhler 78th Air Base Wing Commander ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Since early June, we've been using Bldg. 905 to identify a number of energy-reduction initiatives which can be applied to other facilities across the installation. With the help of the Robins Energy Office, we've analyzed the building's operations, both when it's occupied and when it's not in use. The data we've collected has already helped us identify numerous initiatives to reduce energy consumption and save a moderate amount of money. It's interesting to note the majority of the changes are not things the building's occupants notice. For example, we turned off the architectural wall lighting surrounding the Base Library and removed half the bulbs from the building's bathrooms. It turns out bathroom lighting levels were significantly over-lit based on Air Force lighting standards. Upon further examination, we discovered these efforts will save us an estimated $700 annually. Although this may not seem like a lot, if you look at the number of buildings and bathrooms across the base, the potential for savings is huge. Plus, we discovered good ideas can come from a multitude of sources. The architectural lights idea came from a comment made by a presenter at the recent AFMC Senior Leader Conference at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Another recent energy initiative in the works for Bldg. 905 is the installation of occupancy sensors in the building's bathrooms. This work is scheduled for October. The sensors will automatically turn lights off when the bathrooms are unoccupied, but will have motion and infrared beams to keep from turning the lights off prematurely. As we move forward, we will continue to look for additional energy savings in the building and use those ideas as a test bed to encourage leaders at all levels, across the base, to duplicate and find similar energy saving ideas in their buildings and work centers. With your help, Robins will be recognized as the Air Force leader in "making energy a consideration in all we do."