Intellectual pursuits: The Year of Continuing Education

  • Published
  • By Gen. Donald Hoffman
  • Air Force Materiel Command commander
Building upon the success of the 2011 "Year of the Community College of the Air Force," AFMC will continue the initiative for 2012 and beginning this month will launch into the "Year of Continuing Education."

Continuing education benefits all us - Officer, Enlisted, and Air Force Civilians - at every point in our careers. Effective Airmen and Air Force civilians continue to learn throughout their careers. This year, I challenge each of you to take the next step in your personal intellectual pursuits, whether that means progressing towards your undergraduate or graduate degree, a certification, professional military education, or other developmental goal.

YoCE will employ a flexible approach, offering resources and tools to assist everyone in reaching their goals. We have established a YoCE Website and Facebook Page with information targeted to help you meet your specific educational goals, and facilitate awareness of the programs currently available.

Last year we surpassed our goal which was to increase CCAF degrees by 10%. This year we are continuing that goal to achieve another 10% plus opening the aperture to include Enlisted, Officers, and Air Force Civilians already possessing a CCAF or Bachelor's Degree to work towards an advanced degreeĀ or certification. I am confident with concerted effort we will see great strides in total workforce education.

Our Air Force and Nation continue to face great challenges and considerable fiscal constraints; however, education will help us overcome challenges by fostering mission efficiency and effectiveness ideas, advance energy conservation, and promote resource innovations.

Make 2012 your individual Year of Continuing Education. Evaluate where you are today, determine your next educational milestone and reach it. Challenge yourself; stay current, relevant, and ready. Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." I encourage you to prepare for the challenges to come. You will benefit, AFMC will be strengthened, and the Air Force will continue to be the world's best
Air, Space, and Cyberspace force.