
Caring for People Forum

  • Published
  • Robins Public Affairs

Do you have an idea or experience that you want to share that you think would enhance the Robins Community?

Caring for People is an opportunity to not only enhance your installation but to make a positive impact for the entire Air Force Community. An installation Caring for People Forum will be held March 3, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Horizons Event Center. 

Representatives from across the installation will meet to identify the top two issues and proposed solutions for 14 different focus areas. The top 28 issues will be used to develop the installation Community Action Plan. Any issues that cannot be resolved at the installation level will be forwarded to major command or Headquarters Air Force level for resolution. 

If you have ideas or experiences that you want to share to enhance the Robins Air Force Community; this event is for you. If you are interested in participating please contact your first sergeant.

You may also contact Master Sgt. Angela Shunk by email or by phone 478-808-8440 to register. Please provide your name, organization, phone number, e-mail and indicate which focus group you would like to be in.

WR/ALC employees should contact  Jennifer Spires by e-mail at to register.  All attendees will be contacted with follow-up logistics in preparation for the event. Lunch will be provided for all registered attendees. Attendance at the forum is authorized as an alternate duty location for civilian employees with supervisor’s approval.


2017 Caring for People Focus Groups:


· Family Support

· Guard Support (sponsored by the 116th Air National Guard)

· Base Housing

· Communication

· Mental Health Support

· K-12 Education

· Health & Wellness

· Single Airman

· Deployment Family Support

· Exceptional Family Member

· Child and Youth Programs

· Workplace Cohesion

· Team Robins Morale, Welfare and Recreation

· Diversity and Inclusion