Robins Energy Savings Message

Commander Kill A Watt will be used throughout the energy conservation campaign. The drawing helps remind base members to "stomp out" unnecessary energy use. Illustration by Harry Paige

Commander Kill A Watt will be used throughout the energy conservation campaign. The drawing helps remind base members to "stomp out" unnecessary energy use. Illustration by Harry Paige

The normal rate for electricity usage at Robins is $.06 per KwH, but we operate under a Real Time Pricing agreement that allows Georgia Power to raise prices during peak demand periods. This increases the rate for electricity during the hours of 1 to 8 p.m,. to $.30 per KwH--a five-fold increase! 

We need your immediate help to reduce consumption during these peak hours. Please add emphasis to your existing conservation efforts and footstomp the following measures: 

-- Turn all lights off not necessary for operations

-- Turn off all chargers, fans, radios, TV, and other unessential electrical equipment

-- Reset AC thermostat in buildings not controlled by CE central thermostat to 78 degrees

-- Use fans to provide localized cooling, they're cheaper than air conditioning

-- Ensure exterior doors and windows remain closed

-- Consider moving the time of high energy use processes to non-peak hours

We are serious about energy savings and are implementing system-wide measures to reduce energy. We have a longstanding practice of setting air conditioning temps higher on weekends and holidays; this will continue and CE may adjust hours and settings further. In addition, CE will make weekday adjustments in AC thermostats. A few degrees less cooling could make a significant difference in our bill. 

 Please do your part in helping Robins save energy and cut energy costs.