Answers to many of the common ethics related questions routinely asked are available through the documents on this site. If you can't find the answers to your questions among the documents listed here, please contact one of the ethics counselors at the telephone numbers listed below:

(478) 222-0578 or DSN 472-0578
Procurement Integrity Questions, Financial Disclosure
Reports (SF 278, OGE Form 450), Post Employment Issues

(478) 926-0630 or DSN 468-0630
Off-Duty Employment, Conflict of Interests, Gifts and Fundraising

If you are a former Air Force member or employee and you need advice on how post-government employment restrictions apply to you, contact the ethics counselor at (478) 222-0578, DSN 472-0578. If you want a formal opinion from our office on the applicability of these rules to you (commonly called a "30-day letter"), please download the worksheet from the link below and send it to

Ethics in General
Please contact an ethics attorney at (478) 926-9276 for general ethics questions.
DoD Employees' Guide to the Standards of Conduct
OGE Summary of Standards of Conduct
Gifts Between Employees

Off-Duty Employment
Civilian Off-Duty Employment
AF Form 3902-Application/Approval for Off-Duty Emplymt

Political/Civil Activities
The Hatch Act
Fundraising Events and Campaigns

Post-Government Employment
Post-Government Employment Pamphlet 
Post-Government Employment Advice Opinion Request