ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Striking life’s balance isn’t always an easy feat.
Airman & Family Readiness Center’s personal and work life programs can help airmen with the juggle.
Personal and Work Life program services assists airmen and their families regarding topics including, but not limited to:
Marriage/romantic/platonic relationships
Support Groups
Combat/deployment/cumulative stress
Long-distance relationships
Time management
Dell Steplight, Personal and Work Life Program manager, Robins Airman & Family Readiness Center, said the program will enrich and improve the quality of individual and family life by providing the knowledge and skills needed for effective living.
“P&WL services facilitate the empowerment of airmen and families to increase the effectiveness of their skills in daily living, in relating to others, in coping with life events, and in realizing personal potential,” she said.
The program’s services help ease the adaptation to the military lifestyle to better meet the needs of our expeditionary Airmen and families.
“Developing a strong P&WL service is critical,” Steplight said. “A&FRCs must proactively offer families healthy relationship and lifestyle guidance either one-on-one or in workshops or seminars. Personal readiness must be continually addressed to insure members’ and families’ requirements are met throughout the military life cycle and particularly across all phases of deployment.”
Heart Link, Key Spouse Program training and Military and Family Life Counselors are other programs under the umbrella of P&WL.
Services are available to active duty, Guard, Reserve, civilian members, retirees and their families.
For more information on the P&WL program and services, contact the Airman & Family Readiness Center at (478)926-1256.