
$1.5 million saved on base energy bill: Learn about October Energy Action Month contests

  • Published
  • By Jenny Gordon
  • Robins Public Affairs
Robins reduced its overall energy cost by $1.5 million this year.

"What happened was all of our conservation efforts paid off, and we actually used less electricity - more than 6 percent less," said Terry Landreth, 78th Civil Engineer Group Energy Office supervisor.

A 5 percent goal has been established yearly to reduce electricity and gas. Robins met the electricity savings portion.

Several projects contributed to the savings. That included the installation of high-mast lighting controls on more than 90 outdoor lights on base. Those controls allow lights to either be turned off or reduced by 50 percent at night.

Energy MISER, or Measure and Investigate Site Energy Reduction teams, were created and tasked to closely look at facilities to identify waste initiatives and low-cost opportunities to reduce energy consumption.

The Museum of Aviation also received lighting upgrades, 'going green' with 100 percent of their power supplied by renewable energy from Flint Energies. That power is generated by the Houston County landfill.

Other projects included: HVAC upgrades; steam line replacement in Bldg. 644; chilled water optimization and repair in Bldg. 177; chilled water leak repair on First Street; and water main leak repairs.

Computer management power features were introduced, such as the distribution of smart power strips for desk stations.

Another significant savings, although only implemented for several months from the 78th Communications Directorate, was a feature that permitted computers to sleep at night, according to Landreth.

Computers while at idle speed run about 60 watts; when in sleep mode, runs around 3-4 watts.

While these projects contributed to overall savings, Team Robins can still play a daily role in conserving electricity by switching off the light, computers and the like when not in use.

"People are more aware now and are turning things off," said Landreth.

"For example, when computers are permitted to go into the 'sleep' mode, it's actually a significant savings."

"Every little bit helps," he said.

Energy Action Month contests As Team Robins continues to do what it can to conserve energy, the Robins Energy Office is sponsoring two contests as part of this October's Energy Action Month activities.

Nominations for the first contest, Energy Champion, "Catch Someone Doing Something Right," are due by Oct. 22.

All base personnel are eligible.

Nominate a person who exemplifies energy awareness and smart energy behavior; include examples of what person is doing.

Send nominations to 78 CED/CE Energy Office at

The winner will receive a plaque.

"How low can you go," a building vs. building energy competition, mission partner leadership may nominate up to three buildings. All types of buildings are eligible (hangars, administrative, warehouse, etc.); buildings must be on an automatic meter reading system for electricity; buildings housing multiple organizations are eligible.

An award will go to the building with the largest percentage reduction in energy consumption.

"We've caught people being more aware of energy," said Landreth. "We ask that people look around their areas for waste, to make sure they have a program at night when they leave to eliminate excessive and non-essential electrical items in their work stations."

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