FY14 force management to include senior NCO retention board Published Dec. 13, 2013 WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- Plans are underway to convene a June senior NCO retention board to consider eligible master sergeants and senior master sergeants for retirement, officials announced Dec. 12. The board is one of several fiscal 2014 force management measures that have been or will be implemented to transition toward a leaner, well-equipped, and trained force, said Brig. Gen. Gina Grosso, the Air Force force management policy director. "While early retirement and separation boards are not unprecedented, this will be a first for the enlisted corps," she said. Only master and senior master sergeants who are retirement eligible will be considered for retirement during this first enlisted retention board. "We know the Air Force is going to get smaller, but we don't know how much smaller yet," Grosso said. "Force management programs will enable us to adjust the force size accordingly. 'Routine' voluntary programs have served us well, so far, but we expect to face much more stringent budget pressure and must now plan for and work toward a smaller force." Every service is working to reduce its footprint and vector members toward career fields with ongoing and increasing mission requirements, she added. Force management programs coupled with such force shaping programs as officer and enlisted retraining help the services retain high-performing members who will make up our leaner future force. "Enlisted retention boards, though new, are tools we can use to modernize our personnel management policies," Grosso said. "Boards will be charged to identify for retention Airmen who are consistently strong performers." Specific information, including eligibility cutoff dates and retirement dates, will be provided once plans are complete, but senior NCOs should not wait until then to review and update their records. "If you are eligible for retirement within the next 18 months and want to continue serving, make the time to review your records to make updates or corrections," she said. To access the secure sites to review your personnel records, or for more information about retirement opportunities and other personnel issues, visit the myPers website at https://mypers.af.mil.