
DUI All Calls scheduled for next week

  • Published
  • By by Jenny Gordon
  • Robins Public Affairs
Team Robins is committed to zero tolerance when it comes to driving under the influence of alcohol.

To continue to address DUI prevention, there will be three All Calls next week which are mandatory for military personnel 26 years old and younger.

They will be Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. at Coats Hall, Bldg. 2051; 10 a.m. at the Base Theater, Bldg. 909; and 3 p.m. at Coats Hall. All three presentations will be the same.

Opening comments will be delivered by Col. Chris Hill, Installation commander, and Col. William Gould, 461st Air Control Wing vice commander. A safety message will also be given by 78th Air Base Wing and 461st ACW safety offices.

With a 47 percent increase in the number of Airmen receiving DUIs at Robins compared to this time last year, the All Calls are being scheduled in advance of the busy Fourth of July weekend to remind and caution members of the dangers of being under the influence.

A recent DUI campaign included a total of 7,400 flyers being passed out at the front gates in time for the Memorial Day weekend. The flyer included important numbers of helping agencies across Robins, including Airmen Against Drunk Driving, an organization of volunteers who assist members with rides home when there is no designated driver.

The Integrated Delivery System at Robins is coordinating with the traffic enforcement unit of the Houston County Sheriff's Office to deliver a special 50-minute educational presentation on DUI reduction, complete with videos and stories to raise awareness.

Prior to entering the event, each Airman will be given a key chain to place on their keys which contain numbers for AADD, DSN 472-0013.

Airmen with questions should check with their supervisors for more information.