Campaign urges ‘zero’ tolerance for workplace risks Published Oct. 17, 2014 By Brian Shreve Robins Public Affairs ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- Robins Airmen and civilian workers can never be too safe as reminded by this month's kickoff of the Quest for Zero campaign. The Air Force-wide, year-round initiative aims to increase awareness of risk management and on-duty safety, focusing on different career fields - the first being that of maintenance. The campaign - introduced by Air Force Ground Safety - looks to highlight recurring workplace mishaps and what simple, preventative methods serve to decrease these incidents, such as wearing appropriate safety equipment, keeping work stations clear of obstructions, making work platforms available when possible and following procedures outlined in Air Force instruction and technical orders. "The ultimate goal is mishap prevention and zero fatalities," said Scott Eck, installation chief of safety. "One of the keys to success is enabling personnel to recognize at-risk behavior or hazards and providing them with the tools to manage those risks." Working in conjunction with the local Safety Initiative 2014 - another proactive program with a mission to increase supervisors' and commanders' awareness of potential workplace hazards - Quest for Zero also emphasizes the vital channels of dialogue among employees and their management, said Eck. Around the Air Force, there were 381 maintenance mishaps that resulted in injury during fiscal 2013, consisting primarily of sprains/strains, fractures and open wounds, according to the Air Force Safety Center. Safety is a lifestyle, said Eck. Placing safety in the forefront of everything you do means being around another day to complete the mission and enjoy life with family and friends.