
Col. King takes command of installation, 78th ABW

  • Published
  • By Jenny Gordon
  • Robins Public Affairs
Col. Jeffrey King is the new 78th Air Base wing and Installation commander at Robins. 

King was formerly the 18th Maintenance Group commander at Kadena Air Base, Japan. 

That group includes two aircraft maintenance squadrons providing the only combined air refueling, combat rescue, air battle management and F-15 assets in the Asian and western Pacific theater of operations. It also has two maintenance squadrons responsible for flight line and in-shop support. It maintains combat capability for 80 assigned aircraft. 

During a change of command ceremony Thursday at the Museum of Aviation - presided over by Lt. Gen. Lee K. Levy II, Air Force Sustainment Center commander - King highlighted Robins' mission of ensuring aircraft delivery and its impact across the globe. 

"Every airplane counts, and the folks at Team Robins get that," he said. "Whether it's the Defense Logistics Agency, the Air Logistics Complex or the Life Cycle Management Center, the support has been phenomenal." 

As the installation commander, he will command 2,400 personnel across Robins who provide logistics, medical, civil engineer, security and mission support to the base. 

Among his top priorities will be continuing to ensure a safe working environment, and open lines of communication between management and union partners.  

Col. Chris Hill, the former Installation commander, has been assigned to the Pentagon. During the ceremony, Hill was awarded the Legion of Merit.