
Robins to kick off 2007 Combined Federal Campaign Monday

  • Published
  • By Holly Birchfield
  • 78th ABW/PA
Thanksgiving may be a little more than a month away, but that doesn't stop people at Robins from getting in the giving spirit a little early. Robins' 2007 Combined Federal Campaign, "Help Our World Forward," will officially kick off Oct. 1 at 1:30 p.m. at the Museum of Aviation's Vistascope Theater. Maj. Gen. Tom Owen, commander of the Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, will be present for the event.

Mark Shores, chief of the Workforce Development Division, Directorate of Personnel, and also the chairperson of the Middle Georgia CFC for 2007, said this year Robins AFB plans to raise $1.35 million. The goal for the remaining 18 counties in the Middle Georgia CFC Campaign is $100,000; the total campaigns goal is $1.45 million.

Mr. Shores said CFC is the federal government's way of combining charity drives that formerly took place throughout the year. Any bona fide charity recognized as a non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service may participate in the campaign.

There are about 200 charities in the 18-county Middle Georgia area and a little more than 1,600 national and international charities that participate in CFC, Mr. Shores said.

Anyone can contribute to the campaign. However, the method for giving differs slightly. Military members and federal employees may give through payroll deduction or by making a one-time cash or check donation. All others, like contractors, may contribute through a cash or check donation, Mr. Shores said.

"The primary method for giving is through payroll deduction," he said. "The contributor fills out a pledge form and states how much they would like to contribute every time they're paid." Mr. Shores said payroll deduction contributions must be a minimum of $1.50 per pay period. And while people are encouraged to designate the charitable organizations they wish to donate to, donations that aren't designated are divided equally among charities in the campaign.

Finding a charitable organization to help isn't as hard as some may think.

"If (people) look through the Charitable Agencies Listing booklet, it shows the names of all the charities that participate," he said. "It's very likely that they're going to find a charity that either appeals to them or possibly even a charity that they or a family member has benefited from."

In addition to the base's CFC goal, individual base organizations will each set a goal for their workers to reach. An organization's CFC goal is collectively based upon its potential contributors' rank and grade.

Each organization that reaches its CFC goal by Oct. 19 will receive the early bird award, which is a year bar to place on their organization's CFC plaque. Each Wing or equivalent has a CFC super monitor who ensures that the unit's grade and rank is accurate and a valid basis for the unit's CFC goal.

Unlike past years, all contributors will receive a collectable Robins official CFC coin regardless of the amount donated. Additional items of appreciation are given to those who donate their "fair share," an amount equal to one hour of salary per month for 12 months, Mr. Shores said. Those who give a fair share donation will also receive an insulated Robins CFC lunch bag. A double fair share contributor will receive a CFC tote-style backpack, and a triple fair share giver will also receive the traditional eagle statuette.

Paul Nagle, CFC director for the Middle Georgia area, said CFC is a great way to reach out.

"It's a great opportunity to be part of something much, much bigger than just a single person," he said. "Locally, the campaign generated over a half a million dollars for local organizations."

Mr. Nagle said the money can open many doors of opportunity for those that depend on the donations, adding he is confident Robins will reach its goal as it has so many times in the past.