
WR-ALC unveils four focus areas, challenges team to climb to 'next level'

  • Published
  • By Rick Brewer
  • 78th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center now has four focus areas and accompanying initiatives to go along with the new mission and vision statements and goal that it unveiled earlier this year.

"The focus areas - People, Process, Performance and Infrastructure, or P3I - and initiatives sight the Center on its mission, vision and goal," said Maj. Gen. Polly A. Peyer, WR-ALC commander.

"Collectively, they challenge us to 'take things to the next level,' in order to take our place among the best sustainment and acquisition organizations in the world," she said.

The focus areas and initiatives are:


We are a ready, committed and accountable team using our diverse talents and flexibility to reach our maximum potential.

What it means: We are highly trained, highly motivated and focused on getting the job done.

We are posturing and developing today's workforce for tomorrow's challenges. We capitalize upon the strengths of our diverse workforce.


1. Improve Labor/ Management Relations to foster mutual trust, confidence, and respect.
2. Cultivate First-Class Leadership by developing better leadership training, resulting in a 3% increase in positive responses in each of the following CSAF Climate Assessment Survey categories: recognition, trust in immediate supervisors, satisfaction, trust in senior leadership.


We have an environment of compliance and mutual respect where people of character boldly seek innovation and value their reputation for delivering as promised.

What it means: We do the right things, and we're continually looking for ways to do them even better. We're also proud of what we do, because it matters ... to the joint team and to our nation.


3. Build on our foundation of innovation by redeploying Lean ALC-wide by 30 Aug. 09 and redeploying Continuous Process Improvement across the ALC to affect 5 major processes (to be determined) within 18 months, using the High Velocity Maintenance enterprise innovation model.


We are a results driven, preferred provider committed to customer support.

What it means: Our customers look to us for current and future support because we provide high-quality services that are on cost and on schedule.


4. Enhance performance, reputation of the ALC by using an integrated ALC-team approach to achieve 95% aircraft due date delivery performance on four aircraft production lines during a 36-month period (with less than 10% AMREP extensions to original due dates) while maintaining quality standards.


We're accountable to the American public for responsible use of all resources.

What it means: We put the same thought into decisions to spend tax dollars as we do about decisions to spend our own money.


5. Incentivize Infrastructure/Cost Control, using energy consumption as a test bed. Prove out an incentivized operating model that can be applied to other costs using electrical energy consumption metering to achieve a 10% reduction by Oct 2010 (fiscal 2011).

General Peyer said that while the mission and vision statements, goal, focus areas and initiatives are all relatively new, they should feel very familiar to members of the WR-ALC team.

"They weren't developed as a new direction for the Center, but a sharpening of our focus on what we deliver to our nation for mission success," she said.

She added that the Center's motto - "People First, Mission Always" - remains unchanged.

"We need a determined effort to meet the challenges of our current environment, deliver on our promises to the warfighter, and secure a viable future for the Center," the general said. "Every member of our team is important."