
Airman Magazine duo captures depot mission to share successes

  • Published
  • By Wayne Crenshaw
  • 78 ABW/PA
Members of the 402nd Maintenance Wing will want to be sure to snag a copy of the January/February issue of Airman Magazine when it arrives because they just might find themselves in it.

A reporter and photographer from the magazine spent three days at Robins visiting many of the wing's work areas.

"It's a feature on the maintenance depot and the great work being done here," said the reporter, Randy Roughton.

Roughton is new at the magazine and made his first trip here. Photographer Lance Cheung was last here in 1994 for shots related to a story on the Base Realignment and Closure Commission.

The story is expected to be a four-page spread and there's an outside chance that it will be the cover story.

They visited several areas in the wing, focusing on some of its high tech industrial operations. One of their stops was in the Sheet Metal Manufacturing Flight in the 402nd Commodities Maintenance Group.

There they saw the shop's stretch press in action. The stretch press is a $2 million piece of equipment that shapes sheet metal with up to 250 tons of force.

Airman Magazine is based in San Antonio, Texas and is the official magazine of the Air Force. It is published every two months and distributed to Airmen around the world.

Cheung's photos from Robins are already available at Just go to the Web site and do a search for Lance Cheung.