AMXS DMO driving force behind unit’s dispute resolution Published Aug. 13, 2010 By Wayne Crenshaw 78 ABW/PA ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- As a designated management official, Mary Ann Montano's job is to represent management in disputes with labor, but she doesn't see it as a case of "us versus them." Her mission, she said, is to do what's right for everyone involved. "My philosophy is to do the right thing," she said. "If you do the right thing, you don't have anything to worry about." She has done a variety of jobs in her 21 years at Robins, all within the 402nd Maintenance Wing. She is currently DMO of the 402nd Aircraft Maintenance Support Squadron, and was recognized for her efforts with the Foster Leadership in People award. The award goes to people who help improve employee and management relationships. She said she finds the DMO job challenging and rewarding. "I get to help people and am able to resolve issues," she said. She aims to settle disputes without a grievance procedure, or even an Alternative Dispute Resolution mediation. She credited her squadron director, Lee Thompson, with helping improve management and labor relationships by being willing to listen to complaints through the informal resolution process. "It's really taken a toll on her calendar, but she tries to fit them all in," Montano said. The citation for the FLIP award called Montano "a driving force to the improvement" of labor and management relationships. It also said her leadership helped the squadron have the highest settlement rate at Robins for resolving issues at the lowest level. "She used her knowledge, influence and leadership to promote positive change for Team Robins," it added.