
Robins driving campaign focuses on perils of the road

  • Published
  • By Wayne Crenshaw
  • 78 ABW/PA
Right now would be a good time to make sure you have your proof of insurance and registration in your car.

Starting Monday, the 78th Air Base Wing Security Forces Squadron will be conducting its annual Take Back Our Roads Campaign. It will conduct random police checkpoints at which drivers must show proof of insurance, registration and driver's license.

The effort is to help prepare members of Team Robins for the 101 Critical Days of Summer, which begins Memorial Day. The Air Force uses that time to encourage people to be safe when involved in outdoor activities.

Last year, more than 400 tickets were issued, with the most common being for no proof of insurance. Capt. Jonathon Murray, 78th SFS operations officer, said many base drivers do not realize that while the state does not require proof of insurance, the base does.

The second most common ticket issued last year was for no proof of registration.

In addition to checkpoints, the 78th SFS will conduct increased patrols with more personnel on the road enforcing speed limits, safety belt use and other violations. All infractions are zero tolerance.

The Take Back Our Road initiative runs through June 3.