
Carpool permit applications now being accepted

  • Published
  • By Jenny Gordon
  • 78th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
Applications for carpool parking permits are now being accepted in the Smith Center, Bldg. 767.

To help reduce parking and congestion, about 23 potential carpool parking spaces have been designated near buildings 300 and 301; buildings 54, 220 and 125 near the flightline; and also at facilities near Gate 44.

The new carpool plan will be enforced by the 78th Security Forces Squadron and 78th Civil Engineer Group, who are currently painting the carpool-only spaces.

More potential parking throughout the installation will be addressed as needed, according to Terry Landreth, 78th CEG technical support supervisor. If you would like to begin a carpool and a parking space is not currently marked, a work order should be submitted through civil engineering and they will try to accommodate requests, provided there is interest, added Landreth.

At the Smith Center, applicants can stop by the same table where DBIDS registration is taking place and submit a carpool request. The names of carpool riders will be needed, along with work information, and permits will be issued on the spot.

Permits will be given for vehicles with three or more people. Since carpool drivers change, the permits can be passed among riders using different vehicles, but permits should be visible at all times.
Carpool spaces will become active beginning Monday.