
ABU mandatory wear date set for Nov. 1

  • Published
  • By 78th Air Base Wing
All Airmen must begin wearing the Airman Battle Uniform Nov.1, with the phase out date for wear of the battle dress uniform and desert combat uniform being that same say as well.

Airmen are reminded of several points to consider when wearing the ABU:
  • T-shirts must be desert sand (light tan) in color and must have a crew neck. The ABU shirt is authorized for wear with the olive drab green and desert flight suits. Desert-sand colored turtle necks are authorized in cold weather.
  • Socks worn with the ABU boot must be sage green or any color authorized with non-ABU utility uniforms.
  • ABU patrol caps are the authorized headgear for wear with the ABU outside the AOR. Organizational caps are no longer authorized.
  • If crease on sleeve is not consistent with correct rank placement, ironing the sleeves to move the crease is authorized. ABU sleeves may be rolled up in the same way as BDU and DCU sleeves.
  • Trousers must be bloused. If tucked in, trousers will present a bloused appearance.
  • No badges, patches or insignia are authorized for wear on the right pocket. No patches are authorized on the ABU, and command insignia isn't authorized on the ABU.
  • Optional accessories, such as gym bags, backpacks, briefcases and hydration systems must be black, OD or Air Force sage green. ABU pattern items are authorized.
  • ABU wear for commercial travel is only authorized when travel is continuous to and from home station to deployed locations.
  • All-purpose environmental clothing system jackets replace the BDU and DCU Gore-tex jackets. Mixing and matching of patterns isn't authorized. Gore-tex rank insignia are authorized until ABU rank is widely available. Officers can wear subdued pin-on rank on the APECS. Fleece liners are authorized as liners only (not for outer wear), and can be black or sage green.
  • Gloves can be black or sage green. Material can be leather, suede or knit. Watch caps must be black or sage green.
  • Black scarves are authorized with the APECS and must be tucked in. Black earmuffs are authorized.
  • Mixing and matching camouflage patterns, specifically the ABU, DCU or BDU patterns is authorized in deployed locations. This applies to outer garments and tactical items only. Utility uniform coat and trousers must match.
The ABU was authorized for wear in November 2006, and clothing allowance increases to offset the transition were effective in October 2007.

For more information regarding proper wear of the ABU, contact the Air Force Personnel Center Call Center at DSN 665-5000; commercial (210) 565-5000; or toll free, 1-800-616-3775.