Interstate educational compact levels playing field for military students

ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- One of the key issues facing military families - particularly when it comes to children's education - is frequently transitioning from one installation to the next.

Georgia hopes to help remedy that by becoming the 42nd state to join the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

When a military member has a permanent change of station, inconsistent school transfer policies can often inhibit a student's academic standing and social integration.

The compact helps military-connected children have an equal and fair opportunity for academic success when transitioning to new schools.

"Education is the number one concern of military families with school-aged children," said Leslie Butikofer, wife of the installation commander, Col. Mitchel Butikofer. "I'm hopeful that the next place I go, my girls will be able to say, 'I already tested.'"

District superintendents are being asked to review the compact and consider ways of making their policies and procedures consistent with the guidelines and rules set forth in the agreement.

They're also being asked to honor and respect the previous academic standing and accomplishments of military-connected children new to their districts, and to be flexible and open to ways to help students transfer earned courses and credits to their schools.

"It definitely sends the message that Georgia is a very military-friendly state, and that they want to make the accommodations necessary to assist military families," said Leslie Darley, school liaison officer at Robins. "They already sacrifice so much with deployments, relocations, temporary duty, that their child's education should not be one of those sacrifices."

For more information about the compact, visit