Being cognizant of changes one’s coworkers and the workplace is key to being able to fully support during times of crisis and distress.
The AFMC Connect topic focus for June is attentive. Engaging with one’s coworkers and learning what is normal behavior for them is the first step in being able to know when something is wrong, so that help might be rendered to assist.
Taking the time to interact with coworkers during everyday moments opens opportunity for meaningful engagement that can make a difference in a crisis. Simple greetings and checking in on one another can build bridges to deeper relationships that enable individuals to feel comfortable in reaching out for help during times of need.
To build attentiveness skills, leaders are encouraged to hold discussions on:
- Stress versus distress, and healthy coping strategies.
- Risk factors and warning signs in individuals facing crisis.
- How to best support coworkers during times of need.
The full AFMC Connect discussion guide for June is available at https://www.afmc.af.mil/Portals/13/ATTENTIVE%20%28Jun%2023%29.pdf.
For information and guidance on the AFMC Connect program, visit https://www.afmc.af.mil/Resiliency/Connect/.