
Updated COVID-19 Social Distancing Order

  • Published
  • Col. Brian Moore, Robins Installation Commander

It is Department of Defense and Air Force policy that military installations, property, personnel and other individuals working or residing on military installations will be protected under applicable legal authorities against communicable diseases associated with biological warfare or terrorism or other public health emergencies. Due to the continued threat of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its potential to significantly impact force capabilities and mission readiness, and IAW a 21 Mar 20 Declaration of Public Health Emergency on Robins AFB (extended for 90 days on 6 Oct 20) pursuant to DODI 6200.03, Public Health Emergency Management with the Department of Defense, and AFI 10-2519, Public Health Emergencies and Incidents of Public Health Concern, the following order is in effect.

To protect Robins AFB mission capabilities as well as the health and welfare of associated civilian and service members, all individuals physically present on Robins AFB will practice the Center for Disease Control (CDC) hygiene measures and 6-foot social distancing protocols or mask mitigations.  6-foot spacing or mask wear mitigations within facilities must be maintained. Additionally, individuals will not congregate in groups of 25 or more people. This limitation does not apply to members of the
same household. Work areas are also excluded from limitations, though Commanders/Directors will establish mitigations and protocols to be followed. Finally, all should adhere to strict hygiene standards. Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis by the Installation Commander.

This order applies to all military, civilian employees, contractors, dependents, retirees, and guests physically present on Robins AFB, to include all host wing and mission partner personnel. This order does not limit individuals who are in execution of their official duty or in performance of mission essential tasks and requirements.

This order is effective 9 December and supersedes previous orders, dated 6 Oct 20, 28 Apr 20, and 21 Aug 20. This order remains in effect until rescinded by the Installation Commander.

Please address any questions you have regarding this order through your chain of command.

Col. Brian Moore,
Robins Installation Commander