Senior Airman David J. Roberts, 461st Maintenance Squadron, Aircraft Fuel System repair journeyman, plays a major role in the success of the Air Force’s Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System mission, better known as the E-8 JSTARS located here at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. In his position, Roberts examines systems, diagnoses malfunctions and accomplishes corrective maintenance on a fleet of 16, E-8C JSTARS aircraft, all while adhering to confined space measures.
Since the onset of COVID-19 protective measures, Roberts is consistently challenged with maintaining social distancing while performing his duties as an aircraft fuel system repair mechanic due to strict safety and confined space working requirements. In order to preserve the mission and the health of his team, Roberts took the initiative to develop a COVID-19 health and safety plan that ensured everyone understood safe work practices in the performance of their assigned duties. Through his actions, Roberts has shown himself to be an outstanding maintainer and an extremely capable work place leader that Airmen can trust to have the team’s best interest at heart.
“Senior Airman Roberts is an extraordinary Airman with sustained superior performance. His drive and attention to detail reflects on who he is as a person,” said Tech. Sgt. Cedric Mercer, 461st MXS, Aircraft Fuel System craftsman. “He is the type of Airman that by any means will safely get the job done so that our people and aircraft can continue on with the mission of delivering intelligence and targeting data for attack aviation, peacekeeping operations and friendly maneuver forces.”
For all you do at Team Robins … Thank You!