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Robins Frontlines: Athena Romo

Robins Frontlines: Athena Romo

Robins Frontlines: Athena Romo


Athena Romo, Base Chapel coordinator, has kept busy taking care of Airmen while serving as the Refuge coffee bar manager as well as coordinating every event that takes place at the Refuge in the midst of COVID-19. While doing so, she’s encouraged physical distancing, along with all safety measures and precautions. She also continues to provide weekly Wednesday Night Meals to all Airmen.

Despite the base operating at Mission Essential only, she continues to keep the Coffee Hour open 5 days a week, Monday through Friday and free to all Airmen from 0700-0900. She continues to serve a chicken biscuit every Tuesday for breakfast to all Airmen. She also makes smoothies every morning. Airmen may find a funny “dad joke” written on their smoothie cup or an encouraging quote to help them get through their day.

Romo recently launched Operation Smile, in which 400 dorm Airmen received a treat along with an encouraging message written by “her’s truly” and the Refuge Airmen Leadership Council. Last Sunday afternoon, they hang the treats on the door knobs of every dorm dweller.

“Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Ms. Romo has been a steady, unwavering, solid hand in offering our Airmen vital encouragement, counseling and leadership, while giving them leadership opportunities,” said Master Sgt. Terrell Smith, Base Chapel, Religious Affairs superintendent. “She has brought a tremendous balance, where there’s a great need in the time where ‘hope’ is needed most. We are happy to have her serve alongside of us as we continue to work towards the Wing’s mission in taking care of Airmen, while doing so safely and effectively.”

For all you do at Team Robins … Thank You!