WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- The Air Force Materiel Command will offer diagnostic fitness assessments to Airmen starting Jan. 20.
As the Air Force continues to review the overall current fitness assessment guidance for Airmen, the AFMC has elected to implement diagnostic testing as a potential part of the policy change.
“Physical fitness is crucial to our ability to meet mission requirements,” said Gen. Arnold W. Bunch, Jr., AFMC commander. “The diagnostic assessments will give Airmen an idea of their current fitness level and where they may need to improve prior to their test due date. This is part of an overall effort to continue to encourage a culture of fitness among all of our Airmen that includes year-round physical conditioning and healthy eating habits.”
Airmen who are current on their fitness assessments may attempt up to three diagnostic assessments, or “mock tests,” during the time period ranging from 45 days prior to their official assessment month and up to 15 days prior to their assessment due date. They may elect to take a diagnostic test for certain components, such as push-ups or sit-ups, or they may choose to complete the entire test during the mock assessment.
If an Airman completes the full test during a diagnostic session, they may elect to have the assessment count as their official requirement documented in the Air Force Fitness Management System. Once an assessment is recorded, the Airman may not take another diagnostic test until 45 days prior to the start of their next testing cycle.
“The practice tests aim to both motivate Airmen to maintain a year-round exercise and fitness program while reducing the stress many face during testing,” said Lt. Col. Rachel Marazita, AFMC Military Personnel. “Fear of failed PT (physical training) tests and the potential of career-ending disciplinary action is a major stressor that we are looking to eliminate through a sound testing protocol coupled with an organizational culture of fitness.”
The opportunity for diagnostic testing will be available to all AFMC Airmen, regardless of center or location. Implementation teams are working with force support squadron leadership at AFMC installations and tenant units to develop specific guidance prior to the Jan. 20 start date. The AFMC diagnostic testing policy will remain in effect as interim guidance until new Air Force policy is published, after which it will be revised to match any new requirements.
“Commanders must incorporate fitness into their organizational culture and establish an environment that supports maintaining fitness and health to meet mission requirements,” said Bunch. “We do our wartime mission every day, and we need to make sure our Airmen are combat-ready.”
For questions regarding the program change, contact the AFMC/A1D team at AFMC.A1DD.All@us.af.mil.
For members of Team Robins, the following Rules of Engagement will apply:
- All members must have their Fitness Screening questionnaire completed and signed no later than seven days prior to testing.
- All members must identify whether they are taking an official fitness assessment or a diagnostic test when registering and signing in at the Fitness Assessment Cell.
- All members taking a diagnostic test must declare they want their score to be recorded as their fitness assessment when signing for their fitness score before departing the FAC.
- Afternoon fitness assessment and diagnostic testing sessions will be reserved strictly for members with fitness exemptions. Members testing must hand-carry their Air Force Form 469, if applicable.
- The last week of each month will be reserved strictly for fitness assessments only -- no diagnostic testing will occur.
For questions regarding the program at Robins, contact Tech Sgt. Charles Bell at (478) 222-5308 or email at charles.bell.8@us.af.mil.