ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, Ga. -- A project to replace the waterlines on the west, south and east sides of Building 385 is in the early stages of construction. Part of the project will require an outage to the water supply for Building 385. The building is occupied as a Defense Logistics Agency Warehouse. The plan is for the majority of the building to be without water for three weeks. It will have a constant water supply at the north end but the service to restrooms along the length of the warehouse will be shutoff. Civil Engineering plans to provide portable restrooms and hand washing stations spaced along the length of the warehouse. Work began on March 11, 2019. The portion of work requiring the water supply shut off to the building is not scheduled to happen before March 25, 2019. The work will be accomplished in phases designed to provide the least amount of impact to Robins Air Force Base employees. With this being underground utilities there is always the unknown that may cause delays. This project is projected to last approximately 60 days, but could take longer due to inclement weather or unforeseen conditions.
The project to construct a new Army and Air Force Exchange Service convenience store at Robins has started. The construction time for the entire project has an estimated completion date of January 15, 2020. The vehicle entryway into the south side of the Base Exchange west side parking lot will be closed for storm water drainage installation work for three weeks. This vehicle entryway is not a street. This part of the project will begin on March 18, 2019. The disturbed area will be patched so vehicle traffic can resume after this part of the construction. In the case of inclement weather or unforeseen conditions, work may be delayed.
Your cooperation will be appreciated. Please notify Dan Bishop, (478) 926-8138, or Lorrie Simmons, (478) 327-3977, immediately, if you are aware of potential problems with this work.