
This is your year! Make resolutions a reality

  • Published
  • By Stuart Bapties
  • Robins Health Promotions Office

The New Year is upon us, and the time is now to get moving on those resolutions to live a healthier lifestyle.


Whether it’s giving up tobacco, losing weight, increasing fitness or getting a better grip on managing your finances, The Robins Health Promotions Office may have just the resource you need.


As we all know, the year starts out strong and with the best of intentions on making those resolutions stick but all too often events, lack of resources or lack of knowledge make it hard to make the resolutions last past the first couple of months. 


The base helping agencies that make up the Integrated Delivery System offer assistance to base employees and their families in making the right choices for a healthy and productive 2017 by providing the knowledge to develop both meaningful goals and workable action plans. 


Please review the attached Newsletter at this link:    


The office is staffed with nationally credentialed professionals providing health education and hands-on intervention programs to assist with a wide variety of health and wellness needs. 


Classes and programs are available to Active Duty, Reservist/Guard, Retired military, their dependents, DOD civilians and contractors at no cost and are focused on targeting and improving areas that will allow you to have positive control of your health and improve your resiliency. 


Class sizes are limited and all classes require registration. 


Resources are tight so review all the requirements for a class or program before signing up, and be sure to talk with your supervisor to ensure your schedule will allow maximum participation for best results. 


Programs fill up quickly and there is always a waiting list, so reserving a slot and not participating may deprive someone else who would have benefited from taking advantage of the Program.  


Editor’s note: For more information/registration by the Health Promotions Staff please call 478-327-8480. The Health Promotions Office hours of operation are: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays; closed on weekends and federal holidays. Be sure to call 478-327-8480 to ensure that the staff member you need is there when you stop by as they are often teaching or briefing elsewhere.  Check out and "Like" The Health Promotions Office Facebook page: for more information on health and wellness events in the local area.