
Show me the money: AFAS offers education financial programs for military families

  • Published
  • By Geoff Janes
  • Robins Public Affairs

If you’re a military family member seeking higher education, the Air Force Aid Society is offering  several opportunities to help foot the bill.

The programs are open to dependent children of active duty, Title 10 Reserve, Title 32 Active Guard and Reserve, retired Reserve, and deceased Air Force members.

They are also open to active duty and Title 10 Reserve spouses as well as spouses of deceased Air Force members.

One online application provides access to the following grant, scholarship and loan:

General Arnold Education Grant

Awards for this grant range from $500 to $4,000 based on need. Requesting applicants must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average, and must be enrolled full time as an undergraduate student. The deadline for applications in March 17 for the 2017/2018 academic year.

To apply online, visit the Air Force Aid Society website at:

Merit Scholarship

There are a minimum of 10 $5,000 scholarships awarded. To receive the scholarship, students must apply for the Arnold Grant, and be a first-time freshman with a verifiable 4.0 GPA.

Eligible applicants will be contacted directly by the Air Force Aid Society in June for additional application requirements, such as an essay and transcript.

Supplemental Education Loan Program

AFAS offers interest free loans up to $1,000 per student. In order to qualify, students must apply for the Arnold grant, be able to document their out-of-pocket expenses, and be able to repay the allotment over a 10-month period.

Eligible applicants will be contacted by AFAS in August with application forms.

Editor’s note: For more information on these and other Air Force Aid Society programs, visit the website at